Star Couples for Saturday

The following couples are qualified for the second round: International Open Standard Rares Banu / Catinca Banu Yahor Boldysh / Irina Averina Romans Dobrecovs / Violetta Levchenko Tomas Fainsil / Violetta Fainsil Erik Kem / Viktoria Grushevskaja Dmitri Kolobov / Signe Busk Egor Nikolaev / Jerry Lee Vladyslav Tsykhanovskyi / Veronika Tsikhanovska WDSF Open Senior…

Minister Diana Stolz opens Hessen Tanzt

Hessen Tanzt started punctually at 11 a.m. with the introduction of the judges. Before the first competition round began, Diana Stolz, the Hessian Minister for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Sport, Health and Care, opened the event with a short opening speech and took the opportunity to present a generous sponsorship for the event. To the…

Hessen Tanzt is ready to go

“Everything is prepared!” – The floor has been laid, the areas for the competitions haven been marked. A total of 2645 entries have been received for the 80 competitions, including several German champions as well as top international couples. Everything is ready for three days of “Hessen tanzt 2024” to begin tomorrow in the Eissporthalle.…