12/May/2023 - WDSF OPEN Latin SEN.II "5/6"

Organizer: World Dance Sport Federation
Master of Ceremony: Straub, Cornelia  TanzSportClub Rödermark 
Chairperson: Eichert, Michael  Germany 
Scrutineer(s): Straub, Hans-Joachim  TanzSportClub Rödermark 
A: Baartzes, Grant  South Africa 
I: Carrillo, David  Spain 
J: Castillo, Felix  Belgium 
L: Christophersen, Jes  Germany 
M: Cuocci, Marco  Italy 
Q: Lahvinovich Galchun, Tatsiana  Slovenia 
R: Lazar, Cecilia  Sweden 
S: Ludwig-Tchemodourova, Anna  Austria 
Y: Ribas Lacroix, Diana  France 
AE: Van Meerkerk, Jeffrey  Netherlands 
AI: Zanibellato, Martino  Denmark 

Result of the Final
Rank No. Couple Country
1. 210 Benjamin Eiermann / Tina Zettelmeier Grün-Gold-Club Bremen
2. 211 Alexander Engel / Marina Engel TC Schwarz-Weiß Reutlingen
3. 229 Dirk Regitz / Fabienne Regitz TSA d. TSG 1862 Weinheim
4. 220 Stefan Korfmacher / Nicole Rosendahl TD Tanzsportclub Düsseldorf Rot-Weiß
5. 204 Marc Becker / Nicole Giersbeck TTC Fortis Nova Maintal
6. 209 Kalvis Deaks / Dina Deaka Latvia

  1st round 2nd round 3rd round Final
No. of couples danced 34 25 12 6
No. of couples set - - - -

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